The importance of top of mind awareness
“Consistency is king with advertising and marketing activities” In marketing the term, top of mind awareness, is a way to measure how well your brand ranks in the minds of your target audience. If anybody were to be asked to respond, without prompting, to recall the brand that comes to mind when mentioning a type […]
Your brand is not your logo but it can tell your clients what to expect
“Your brand is what other people say about you when you are not in the room.” It might be confusing to you when you read the phrase: Your logo is not your brand. Too often logo design is treated as being identical as your brand and although they go hand-in-hand, it is not the same. […]
Having a complete client database is an effective marketing tool
Is your clients’ information currently hidden in lots of paper files, duplicated, incomplete or even outdated? Your client database is very important as it becomes the focus point for sales and marketing strategies. By having a complete database, it will become a helpful tool to enable you to not only identify client trends, but to […]
Personal branding can be your game changer
How do you decide whose email messages you are going to read and respond to first in the morning and whose emails you going to send to the deleted items as unread? The answer lies in personal branding. The name of the email sender is every bit as important as a brand. It is a […]
Have you been neglecting your internal branding?
Do all clients consistently get what they expect from your employees? Are their expectations exceeded or do you always barely meet them? The secret lies in internal marketing! Over time marketing has become synonymous with external marketing – the marketing of the brand to your clients. While external marketing ‘makes the promise’ to the outside […]
The fundamentals for building your Personal Brand
Branding your business remains the primary goal, but by adding personal branding to the marketing mix will only enhance the overall successes of all branding efforts. Personal branding is becoming increasingly important because modern audiences tend to trust individual people more than their organisation. Audiences are bombarded and so used to seeing advertising everywhere. The […]
All Employees are Ambassadors of your Brand
The benefits of a strong brand are tremendous. Brands are not built by a marketing team or an advertising campaign alone. It is the responsibility of every employee in every department. From the friendly receptionist to the highly paid consultant who delivers phenomenal solutions to clients. Employees have a role to play and can directly […]
Build your Brand by Educating your clients
“The best marketing tool you can add to your marketing mix is – education!” We all have subscribed to an expert’s newsletter, downloaded an interesting article or shared a tip that you have read with a friend. Education is the most effective and easiest way to build your brand! You might have heard it before, […]
Positioning is all about Perception
“Branding is all about perception” As with in the case of beauty, perception also ultimately lies in the eye of the beholder. It differs from person to person. What you perceive as a quality or value for money might differ from somebody else’s perception; so do the results of the positioning of your brand. Branding […]
The Benefits Of Using Infographs
Did you know that 90% of information transmitted by your brain is visual and processed more effectively when it is accompanied by images? This means that when you use simple, image-based documentation to support your message, your audience can grasp the information you are communicating much better and faster. An infographic is basically information displayed […]